The best cooler solutions for automotive air conditioning systems

Better products for the environment with an excessively low level of GWP (Global Warming Potential).

The new range of refrigerant products meets the highest requirements of automotive manufacturers and are designed specifically to meet new performance and environmental standards. Glacier Blast is suitable for 2021 and later vehicles equipped with R1234YF air conditioning systems.


A/C Recharge Kit R1234YF


(1)  8 oz can of R1234YF refrigerant equivalent to 16 oz
(1) Charging hose whit:

  • 2” gauge
  • 134a can tap to R-1234YF vehicle end hose
  • Brass fittings

8 oz / 226g

Refrigerant R1234YF

This refrigerant will remove moisture in the A/C system. Moisture can cause corrosion in the A/C system or cause the A/C to freeze up. Compatible with any automotive refrigerant except ammonia and CO2.

Product details
  • Drying agent.

  • Colder air.

  • Longer life.

  • A/C Booster.

  • DO NOT use in ammonia systems.

  • DO NOT use in CO2 systems.

  • Cannot be sent to Alaska or Hawaii or exported to foreign countries except in pallet quantities.

  • Gas propelled.

  • Installs the same way as refrigerant.

  • Cannot be added to a fully charged system.


4 oz / 113g

Oil Lube for R1234YF

Premium quality lubricant that effectively reduces friction.

Product details
  • The top of the can has a R134a top which means it is a right handed top so you need to make sure you have the correct hose.
  • A blend of selected oils that have been formulated to provide the extra oil needed when an air conditioning unit loses the oil charge due to leaks or malfunctions in the system.
  • For use in 1234YF systems.
  • Use only with mineral, Ester or PAG oils.
  • Check to see if you need more oil in your system
  • DO NOT use in ammonia systems.
  • DO NOT use in CO2 systems.
  • Cannot be sent to Alaska or Hawaii or exported to foreign countries except in pallet quantities
  • Gas propelled.
  • Installs the same way as refrigerant.
  • Cannot be added to a fully charged system.

4 oz / 113g


Each and every year it is common to replace the lost refrigerant that leaks out over the winter months. This procedure is very costly and annoying and adds to the negligible affects to our environment with global warming. Our line of products offers leak protection that lasts for years! ProSeal is perfect for finding and sealing those pesky leaks in your R1234yf system.

Product details
  • The can itself has a R134 top on it as shown in the picture so you will need a hose with a R134 top tap and R1234yf vehicle connection. R1234YF vehicles have left handed threads. This can has right handed threads.
  • Forms a hard seal on metal, schrader valves, o-rings, gaskets, a/c condensers, evaporators, line sets and solder joints.
  • Enviro-Safe Proseal for R1234YF repairs minor leaks in mobile 1234YF a/c systems.
  • Only for R1234YF applications.
  • Even though Proseal for R1234YF can form a seal on the schrader valve, when you hook up to it the seal will release and allow you to use the schrader if necessary. If there is still Proseal for R1234YF in the system it will reseal the schrader.
  • For best results, use Enviro-Safe Prodry for R1234YF BEFORE using the Enviro-Safe Proseal to remove any moisture in your system. Moisture is corrosive and no one wants that in their system!
  • 1 can of Enviro-Safe R1234YF ProSeal 3 oz will treat 1 vehicle.
  • DO NOT use in ammonia systems.
  • DO NOT use in CO2 systems.
  • DO NOT use in R410a systems- Pressure is too high and will explode the can.
  • Cannot be sent to Alaska or Hawaii or exported to foreign countries except in pallet quantities
  • Gas propelled.
  • Installs the same way as refrigerant.

4 oz / 113g


Essential for early detection of leaks or anomalies.

Product details
  • For use in 1234YF automotive applications.
  • Dye Charge is fully compatible with mineral, Ester and Pag oils.
  • Highly concentrated dye (fluorescent yellow)
  • In some cases, you can see the dye with the naked eye.
  • The dye works best with the use of a black light and UV glasses.
  • This is the same color dye that most auto makers inject into the vehicle when new.
  • This 4 oz can is enough dye for a full-size 1234YF auto or truck.
  • Has 134a top on the can which means it is a right handed top and you need to make sure you have a hose that will work with it!
  • DO NOT use in ammonia systems.
  • DO NOT use in CO2 systems.
  • Cannot be sent to Alaska or Hawaii or exported to foreign countries except in pallet quantities.
  • Gas propelled.
  • Installs the same way as refrigerant.
  • Cannot be added to a fully charged system.

4 oz / 113g


The most optimal solution on the market to fix minor leaks in air-conditioning systems.

Product details
  • The top of the can has a R134a top which means it is a right handed top so you need to make sure you have the correct hose.
  • With age, o-rings and seals will shrink and deteriorate.
  • When Enviro-Safe Stop Leak is added to your a/c system, it reconditions the rubber o-rings and seals.
  • When the Stop Leak product is installed in an air conditioning system, the product mixes with the refrigerant and oil. As the product circulates in the system, it comes in contact with the o-rings and seals causing them to swell, resulting in «no leak».
  • Stop Leak will not repair or «fix» cut or worn out o-rings or seals.
  • 1 can will treat 1 vehicle.
  • Installing Enviro-Safe Stop Leak may stop the yearly recharge of lost refrigerant.
  • Use only with Mineral, Ester, and Pag oils.
  • DO NOT use in ammonia systems.
  • DO NOT use in CO2 systems.
  • Cannot be sent to Alaska or Hawaii or exported to foreign countries except in pallet quantities
  • Gas propelled.
  • Installs the same way as refrigerant.
  • Cannot be added to a fully charged system.



R1234YF charging hose with R134a can tap with gauge

Product details
  • Gauge face is 2″
  • Brass fittings on both ends
  • Heavy duty
  • This is perfect for adding sealants, oil charge, dye charges that have the R134a top on them going to R1234YF systems.
  • This item will NOT screw onto the top of a R1234YF can! The can tap is an R134a tap and the end of the hose is R1234YF. It will NOT work with valve style 134a cans.

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R-134a and R-12a refrigerant products

While automakers can now meet global regulatory requirements for the R1234YF air conditioning refrigerant, Glacier Blast continues to offer the other refrigeration product lines for the maintenance of older vehicles.


The Env-ES12A is very efficient and is an excellent alternative refrigerant option to replace the R134a and R12 in automotive air conditioning and refrigeration systems.

It also meets the highest environmental standards, does not deplete the ozone layer and does not contribute
to global warming.



Includes two cans of refrigerant, 
one can of Stop Leak, one HI/LOW fitting and one charging hose with
a 2-7/8″ gauge.


4 oz / 113g



Helps reduce friction and replenishes lost oils due to leaks.


4 oz / 113g



Helps detect refrigerant leaks.


4 oz / 113g



Circulates through the system much longer than the Stop Leak.
Designed to repair minor leaks in the evaporator, condenser, connecting fittings and metal lines.


4 oz / 113g



Designed to repair minor leaks in O-ring and seals.
Improves system efficiency and prevents future leaks.





Determines the current pressure status of the A/C system and ensures accuracy when recharging.





Fits on all Glacier Blast and Enviro Safe cans.

Customizable Sales Tools to help you market Glacier Blast products.

Cabin Air Filters improve the performance of the air conditioning system
